Monday, May 2, 2011

Discover the role of hGH secretagogues in anti-aging therapy (Opinion)

Natural News
by: Paula Rothstein
Saturday, April 30, 2011

(NaturalNews) The topic of much debate and research throughout the centuries can be found in the seed of an idea: the reacquisition of youthful qualities. The 21st century is increasing past efforts, spending countless dollars on the development of products to help a youth obsessed society turn back the signs of time. One of the most promising developments occurred in the 90's when Dr. Daniel Rudman reported to the New England Journal of Medicine that he had reversed aging through the use of human growth hormone (hGH) injections. Unfortunately, shortly after we learned of its dangerous side effects, most notably insulin resistance, arthritis and heart disease. The most promising research today now focuses on hGH precursors known as secretagogues.

Secretagogues are substances known for their ability to cause other substances to be secreted. In this case, it is the pituitary gland in need of stimulating with regards to the release of hGH (a hormone known as somatropin). Researchers James Jamieson and L.E. Dorman, D.O. focused their research on secretagogues known for their ability to reverse the condition of somatopause (hGH deficiency) by naturally stimulating the release of growth hormones. They found safe biological activators comprised mainly of specific amino acids, proteins and botanical extracts, which stimulated certain receptors in the pituitary and hypothalamus glands.

Although the human body does experience decline in its release of hGH at a rate of about 14% per decade, your pituitary gland continues to produce hGH well into your 70's and 80's. However, there are a number of factors which begin to interfere with production, and this may be where the most progress could be made.

Bi-weekly fasting

Many longevity experts recommend fasting on a regular basis. Fasting should not occur more often than once every two weeks, and for no longer than 24 hours. The reason fasting encourages the release of hGH is because the highest levels of growth hormone are released while we sleep, and more so, following a fast of 24 hours.

Consume a diet low on the glycemic index

Another way to boost the release of growth hormone levels is to eat a diet which is low on the glycemic index: avoiding foods like pasta, potatoes and refined sugars. The rapid increase in blood sugar experienced when eating these foods stimulates the production of insulin. This increase of insulin in the blood causes your body to produce a chemical called somatostatin, known to suppress hGH release.

Fast for two hours before exercise

It is also helpful to exercise on an empty stomach, fasting for two hours before working out. Regular exercise which utilizes both cardio fitness and strength training stimulates your pituitary gland to increase levels of growth hormone levels. Insulin levels in the blood will act to suppress exercise induced release of hGH, causing you to not get the full range of benefits available when working out.

Reduce fat intake

Reducing fat intake is also useful in the quest for increased circulation of growth hormones in the body. Dietary fat acts to block both the production and release of hGH. Optimal level of fat intake is between 20 and 30 percent of your daily caloric intake. These fats should come from healthy oils such as olive, grape seed and avocado.

Even with the most brilliant scientists working tirelessly to reduce symptoms of aging, eternal youth is impossible. However, there is reason to be optimistic with regards to an increased duration of years of healthy living, clear mind and deftness of physicality. Fitness goals, excellent dietary habits and even the right supplement formula may very well offer something akin to youth.

About the author

Paula Rothstein is a freelance writer and Holistic Health Coach active in the area of natural health and health freedom advocacy. For more information, please visit:

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1 comment:

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